Klimchak Composer

My name is Klimchak.

I build & play unusual instruments and use them to compose electro-acoustic music for film, theatre, dance and live solo performance.
Klimchak is one of the most interesting percussionist/musicians/composers I know. When you see him live you are constantly asking yourself, or the person next to you, “What is that” in reference to some instrument(s)(?) that you have never seen or heard before. Found objects, an electronic xylophone thing, sheet metal, kick drums and kazoos are just a fraction of the percussive and non-percussive instruments I’ve seen this guy play and usually all at the same time. redoubtblog.com

Atlanta composer Klimchak provides fiendishly fun musical accompaniment and sound effects from a variety of bizarre instruments, even a theremin for spectral noises. Curt Holman, Creative Loafing

Klimchak’s woozy score enhances the text; it’s a drum kit of horror and psychological suspense, punctuated by what sounded like an Aboriginal didgeridoo. Wendell Brock, Atlanta Journal Constitution

This is a rehearsal for a new piece I’m working on for the Asheville Electro-Music Festival in May 2015. Speaking NonSynths uses live looping didgeridoo & vocals as a bed for solo improvised theremin. Effects used are pitch shifting, delay, and filter effects.